Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm flying home for a family emergency

My dad is in the hospital. He's been there for 11 days now, and we're pretty worried. He took a turn for the worse 2 nights ago, so I'm hopping a flight home. He has heart problems, kidney problems, and diabetes. I can only hope he recovers, but we just don't know. If you can find room to pray for him, I would very much appreciate it.

Michael is staying here in Nantucket without me. We have a big job that needs to be finished this week so that we can get paid. And we need that money to pay rent. I'm sorry I have to leave him to do it but I have to go home. If my dad isn't any better by next week, I want to fly Michael out too. We had planned on making a trip to my home in Idaho this summer anyway -- I've been wanting him to see how beautiful and expansive our place is -- I just wish it were under different circumstances. So...Michael could use your support now too.

I love you guys. Thanks for all your kind words.



  1. I'm so sorry, Ernest! I'll be praying.

  2. sorry to hear the news..i hope there is a recovery on the horizon. lisa

  3. Hi Ernest, I hope your flight home went smoothly and that you know we are thinking of you. Let's pray now.
    Father in Heaven, I ask that you be with Ernest and his family during this difficult time. We are praying and believing that you will bring healing to his father very soon. Father, please give the doctors wisdom that they need to treat him properly and without complication. Thank you Lord for helping Michael finish the work at home and we pray that Michael and Ernest will be back together again soon. Thank you Lord, for all of our blessings.
    Thinking of you all
