Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!!

Well, yesterday was the first sunny day we've had since we got here. It's like that one time........ when Michael and I first moved to Leavenworth, we lived in a tent for 2 months and he assured me that in the summertime it never rains in Leavenworth and then we found ourselves racing to put up the rain fly at 2 in the morning!

But anyway! I managed to get these pics off.

We may have found an absolutely FABULOUS apartment. But, I'm not discussing it until we've signed the lease.


  1. My goodness take such beautiful pictures. There is so much beauty there and I love to see every bit of it. That house is incredible! I had a good laugh at the Leavenworth tent story too...the fact you guys can laugh at all says a lot! Will keep you appreciating the little things. Thanks for sharing! Love you guys.

  2. you guys seem to be settling in nicely! its so awsome. have fun and hurry back! miss you both already
