Monday, August 17, 2009

Afternoon at the beach

Our group beach self-portrait...guess who's foot is who's...

Here is Michael making new friends on the beach. They are apparently relatives of the Kennedy's. Later, after much wine, Michael would not remember meeting these guys or asking them to be in a picture with him...but I have the proof!

I've got my binoculars and my beef jerky. All set!

Doesn't this look fake? Like he's in front of a painting or something?


  1. Riiiiiggggghhhhtttt...relatives of the Kennedys...aren't we all!! :) (kidding) You are an amazing photographer. Those pics are just perfect...great to see what you two are up to. Can't wait to see you in October. Miss you guys all the time! Love. Anne

  2. Thems are some pasty feet...
    Don't you guys ever get out in the sun? lol:)
