Monday, August 10, 2009

Check ONE item of MY bucket list

When I grew up we only had 5 TV channels. The three major networks and two PBS stations. So, I watched a LOT of PBS! My favorites were the movie musicals, the after school shows like "3-2-1 Contact!", and the live concerts. Nearly every weekend Mom, Dad and I would watch the Boston Pops in concert. I idolized them. And Saturday night I got to see them LIVE on Nantucket. It was a thrill for me and an item that is now crossed off my Bucket List.

This is an annual concert and from the way those around us prepared for the evening you could tell they do it every year. These people brought racks of folding chairs, collapsible tables, enormous coolers, candles, gas lamps, and lots and lots of food. As for Michael and me....we had 2 bottles of wine, a bag of jerky, some corn chips, and a huge blanket. Just what we needed to sit on the beach, watch the sun set, and enjoy one of the most entertaining orchestras in the business.

Can I first say that Keith Lockhart is short. I mean, I knew he was short. I remember when he auditioned to replace John Williams as conductor how energetic, cute, and well...short... he was. Seriously, the guy is tiny.

The show started with an introduction by Chris Matthews, who is host of MSNBC's "Hardball" (Boo! I can't stand that show). He was surprisingly charming and funny. Then the National Anthem was sung by a local high school girl with a lovely voice (Lucky girl! I'd give and arm an leg to sing with the Boston Pops). Then Keith came bounding onto the stage proudly wearing his Boston Red Sox Jersey and launched into a series of baseball and Fenway Park themed songs. (Lisa, you and Anita totally should have been here!)

The second half of the show featured Michael Cavanaugh. Michael is the star of the Broadway Show "Moving Out", which features incredible choreography by Twyla Tharp set to the music of Billy Joel. He was FANTASTIC!

Oh! We had a celebrity sighting too! We just happend to sit down 10 feet from John Shea and his family. John Shea I know best as Lex Luthor from the 90's TV show "Lois And Clark". He was also on Mutant X, Law & Order, Sex In The City, and Gossip Girls.

This concert couldn't have come at a better time. The last few weeks have been trying for me. I thought coming out here would be refreshing and exciting. But I've been kind of depressed. We have been working so much that I rarely have energy for anything else. And to be honest, cleaning houses isn't my favorite activity. Plus in the back of my mind I can't help but worry about being so far away from my family in Idaho and my dad who is still in the hospital. So, I've been questioning why we came here. But here now is a perfect reason:

Where else am I going to so easily see the Boston Pops live right on the beach?


1 comment:

  1. wine, jerky and corn chips ... perfect pops fare! miss you and love you two
