Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Happy Halloween" -OR- "What's that buzzing sound?"

It was a very quiet afternoon.  I was diligently working my way through dad's numerous medicines.  And then my brother and his family arrived.  It was like getting hit by a class 4 tornado. 

In the pictures are Jaicee (9-years-old) and Marquel (2-years-old).  They were dressed as the "BUMBLE BEE SISTERS!!"  Da-da-da-DAH  da-DAAAAHHH!!   Also pictured is my dad, Tom, and Shay in the background. 

Dad is back home.  The scare we had last Sunday turned out only to be a minor infection, so he was home by Wednesday.  He does require a lot of work though.  He isn't strong enough to stand up on his own.  He is still on a feeding tube.  He has a rigorous medicine schedule that starts at 6am and goes until 10pm.  His diabetes requires regular insulin shots.  And he has dialysis 3 days a week in a town 60 miles away.  So, it's pretty busy here.  He really needs a live-in nurse, but insurance won't pay for it. 

I'm definitely making a difference being here.  Thanks for all your support.


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