Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Tentative" is right

Our departure date is still over a week away and already our "tentative" schedule is shot to hell. Michael and I put everything we're not taking into storage and now we're sitting here, looking at each other and thinking, "Hey! We can leave right now!" So, we're moving our schedule up and heading out next weekend.

Since we decided to detour through Los Angeles, we have been trying to get tickets to a live taping of one of our favorite shows. We're on the waiting list for American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, and Ellen. The only show we've actually been able to secure tickets to is The Price Is Right. But hey....that could be a whole lot of fun! If one of us gets picked, I hope it's Michael. He's good at guessing prices. I, however, am hopeless.

If you haven't seen the map at the bottom of the page detailing our trip across the country, please check it out.


1 comment:

  1. when in doubt, $1 dollar. :) have a blast! lots of pictures and enjoy every minute.
    love you guys, chris
